We are specialists in any innovation and R&D projects (national and international), with focus on environment and energy. We offer the following tailor-made services in a confidential environment for you!
Subsidy management

How do I get a tailor-made funding for the project of my organization? Due to the variety of regional, national and European subsidies, the perspective can easily be lost. Many financial and other funding opportunities remain unused, the risk to the project and the organization increases.
If you have received a subsidy, then it also applies these without repayment or penalties. In addition to the fulfillment of the eligibility requirements, this also includes the communication with the funding agency, efficient reporting and comprehensible billing. We also support you in these cases.
Subsidies can be optimized. The cost-benefit ratio is in the first place. It requires a lot of experience, so that a high success rate, especially in competitive funding programmes exists. Increase your chances by relying on our many years of expertise in the area of funding.
Free initial consultation

Our first service is for free. Take advantage of this offer for a first, free orientation discussion. We are happy to explore your project and give you recommendations. This initial consultation includes the immediate evaluation of your individual potential (funding opportunities, feasibility, strengths / weaknesses, etc.). You receive comprehensive help regarding your chances and the further procedure in your case.
A free initial consultation will help and provide you with new information that you have not thought of yet. This is the efficient way to support. Have a look at our quality and our knowledge in a free initial consultation
Project development

Project development is back-breaking work. It’s a stony path from idea to implementation. It needs a structured and efficient approach. The view from outside is particularly important here so that the idea can be improved and optimally developed by an environmental analysis.
The project development takes place per different methods. The scope and the tools that can be used for this always depend on the project size and the target. These range from rough plausibility checks for smaller projects, through comprehensive exploratory activities, the preparation of a technical feasibility study to estimate the (market) potential and the creation of business plans. We are happy to assist in all these phases and methods. Together we will create a roadmap for your project, which is optimally adapted to your organization and your idea.
Project development represents the foundation of successful implementation. We have developed more than 100 projects (R & D, regional development, financing, etc.) with a total volume of over € 15 millions. You can benefit from this knowledge.
Innovation and R&D projects are a matter of trust. Therefore, get an idea of our partners and customers who have trusted us for many years and rely on our know-how (see references).